Questura di Arezzo

  • Via Filippo Lippi snc - 52100 AREZZO ( Dove siamo)
  • telefono: 05754001
  • email:

Temporary Authorization for Self-employment


Entry visa for self-employment. Please see Portale dei visti d'ingresso  on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Relevant legislation: Legislative Decree No. 286/1998 TUI (Consolidated text of provisions governing immigration and legislation on the condition of foreigners) – Presidential Decree No. 394/1999 Regulations for implementing the Consolidated Text TUI - Inter-departmental Decree No: 850 of 11 May 2011.



Please submit the application form  along with the following documents (the Immigration Office reserves the right to ask for additional documentation if necessary):

1.   Applicant’s passport (only photocopy);

2.   Where applicable, a proxy signed at an Italian Diplomatic or Consular Mission in the applicant’s place of residence and a photocopy of the representative’s identity document;

3.   A written declaration (issued by the competent administrative authority responsible for issuing the relevant licence or authorization, or which is responsible for verifying compliance with the legal requirements to be enrolled in the relevant professional or trade registers) confirming that there are no impediments to granting a licence or authorization. The written declaration must be dated no more than three months previous to the date of the present application and must be accompanied by a photocopy of the application submitted to request the above-mentioned declaration and a photocopy of the documentation attached to that application;

4.   An attestation that the applicant has sufficient financial resources required to carry out the planned self-employed activity. This kind of attestation is issued either by the local Chamber of Commerce having territorial jurisdiction for entrepreneurial activities which can be included in the Register of Companies referred to in Article 2188 of the Italian Civil Code, or by the relevant professional associations for self-employed activities included in a professional Register.

5.   Rental contract or registered purchase of residential property or, alternatively, a statement signed by an Italian citizen or a foreigner legally residing in Italy that they have provided the applicant with adequate accommodation. This statement must be accompanied by a photocopy of the rental contract or registered purchase of property in the name of the person who signed the statement and by a photocopy of the signer’s identity document.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please check availability of “entry quotas” for self-employment by contacting an Italian Diplomatic or Consular Mission responsible for issuing entry visas. For self-employed activities which do not require inclusion in the Register of companies and are not subject to licences or authorizations, declaration of commencement of business, registration in trade associations, registers or colleges and do not have a competent authority responsible for issuing the attestation referred to under point 4 above, please contact directly the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters.

If the availability of accommodation is in the Province of Arezzo (point 5), appointments must be booked by sending an email to the Immigration Office of the Arezzo Police Headquarters at the following address:


The official text is the Italian version of the website. Any discrepancies or differences created in the English translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated website, please refer to the Italian version of the website.

(modificato il 09/05/2024)

27/07/2024 03:02:09