Questura di Arezzo

  • Via Filippo Lippi snc - 52100 AREZZO ( Dove siamo)
  • telefono: 05754001
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How to check if your permit of stay is available for collection

Nr di pratica e psw


On the official national website of the poliziadistato click on the link "Permesso di soggiorno" and enter the password you will find on your post office receipt (enter all password numbers including the last one, except the dash), or else enter the handwritten file number you will find on the application receipt issued by the Questura (10 alphanumeric characters). See figure on the left side.

Collection of your residence permit

In order to collect your residence permit you must show personally the application receipt previously issued to you by the Questura or by the Post Office and your previous residence permit, if you have one, together with your passport. Authorization letters are not admitted.

You can pick up your residence permit available for collection at the Immigration desk of the Questura (Police Headquarters) from 2.40 pm to 5.40 pm on Mondays and Thursdays.

Those who are resident/domiciled in Bucine, Castelfranco Piandiscò, Cavriglia, Loro Ciuffenna, Montevarchi, S. Giovanni Valdarno and Terranuova Bracciolini must collect their residence titles from the Commissariato di PS di Montevarchi (Police station in Montevarchi) during opening days (unless otherwise stated in the text they received on their phones, if applicable, or unless otherwise agreed upon with the Immigration Office).

Those who are resident/domiciled in Anghiari, Badia Tedalda, Caprese Michelangelo, Monterchi, Pieve Santo Stefano, Sansepolcro and Sestino must collect their residence titles from the Commissariato di PS di Sansepolcro (Police station in Sansepolcro) during opening days (unless otherwise stated in the text they received on their phones, if applicable, or unless otherwise agreed upon with the Immigration Office).


The official text is the Italian version of the website. Any discrepancies or differences created in the English translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated website, please refer to the Italian version of the website


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27/07/2024 00:42:50