Questura di Arezzo

  • Via Filippo Lippi snc - 52100 AREZZO ( Dove siamo)
  • telefono: 05754001
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Residence Permit for Medical Treatment with entry visa


A Residence Permit for Medical Treatment is issued to a foreign national (and to his/her accompanying person, if any) who wish to receive medical care and treatment in Italy in State hospitals or in accredited private institutions providing healthcare.

The application must be submitted within 8 working days from entry into Italy to the competent Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters (Questura) by appointment.

Foreign nationals need to have been issued with a specific visa for medical treatment by the competent Italian Embassy/Consulate in their country of origin.


Documents required when applying for first issue:

 - dedicated application form to be completed by the applicant at the Immigration desk

- 4 identical copies of recent passport-sized photographs

-  original passport (to be shown only on request)

- photocopy of passport including specific visa stamp page

- € 16.00 revenue stamp

- a letter from an Italian State or private hospital ( private hospitals must be accredited by the National Health Service) giving details of the applicant’s medical condition, the treatment needed, and how long his/her medical treatment is estimated to last (start-date/end-date)

- evidence showing that the applicant can afford accommodation (i.e. a declaration of hospitality together with a copy of the host’s identity document or with an official rental contract or a loan-for-use agreement)

- evidence showing that the applicant can afford to financially support him/herself

- evidence showing that the applicant has healthcare insurance covering medical care including hospital charges (i.e. health insurance policy with an Italian or foreign insurance company covering all risks and valid for the entire country).

To submit your application request an appointment at the Immigration Office of the Arezzo police headquarters on Tuesdays from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. It is necessary to show your passport with visa for medical treatment.

The residence permit for medical treatment shall be valid for the expected duration of the medical treatment.

It can, when appropriate, be renewable upon application for as long as the patient must receive the appropriate care and the medical treatment recommended for his/her condition and there is evidence that he/she cannot be suitably treated anywhere else but in Italy.


Documents required when applying for renewal:

- dedicated application form to be completed by the applicant at the Immigration desk

- 4 identical copies of recent passport-sized photographs

- original passport (to be shown only on request)

- photocopy of passport including specific visa stamp page

- € 16.00 revenue stamp

- original residence permit to be submitted before its expiry date

- a letter from an Italian State or private hospital (private hospitals must be accredited by the National Health Service) confirming that the applicant must not discontinue the medical treatment recommended for his/her condition and that he/she cannot be suitably treated anywhere else but in Italy.

- evidence showing that the applicant can afford accommodation (i.e. a declaration of hospitality together with a copy of the host’s identity document or with an official rental contract or a loan-for-use agreement)

- evidence showing that the applicant can afford to financially support him/ herself

- evidence showing that the applicant has healthcare insurance covering medical care including hospital charges (i.e. health insurance policy with an Italian or foreign insurance company covering all risks and valid for the entire country).

To submit your application request an appointment at the Immigration Office of the Arezzo police headquarters on Tuesdays from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. It is necessary to show a letter from an Italian State or private hospital (private hospitals must be accredited by the National Health Service) confirming that the applicant must not discontinue the medical treatment recommended for his/her condition and that he/she cannot be suitably treated anywhere else but in Italy.


The official text is the Italian version of the website. Any discrepancies or differences created in the English translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated website, please refer to the Italian version of the website.

Altre risorse:

Visa for Italy - Information for foreigners intending to come to Italy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Site)

Ufficio Immigrazione

Orari al pubblico dell’ufficio Immigrazione della Questura di Arezzo (V. apposito riquadro e note).

Orari al Pubblico dei Commissariati di PS di Montevarchi e Sansepolcro

Hospitality for non-EU nationals: requirements for private citizens who, in any capacity, provide accommodation

(modificato il 09/05/2024)

18/09/2024 10:24:22