Questura di Arezzo

  • Via Filippo Lippi snc - 52100 AREZZO ( Dove siamo)
  • telefono: 05754001
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Issue / Renewal / Update of Residence Permits and Residence Cards


Immigration Office – queries and appointments requests

Relevant legislation: Legislative Decree No. 286/1998 as subsequently amended (Consolidated Immigration Act) - Presidential Decree No. 349/1994 as subsequently amended (Regulation implementing the Consolidated Immigration Act).

A residence permit must be applied for (depending on the visa obtained and the existing provisions) at the Police Headquarters of the province where the foreigner is actually based within 8 working days of his/her entry into Italy.

Renewal of a residence permit (where allowed) may be applied for at the Police Headquarters of the province where the foreigner is actually based 60 days before its expiry date.

Types of residence permits/residence cards/travel documents, etc. to be applied for directly to the Immigration Office Desk – pre-booked appointments only - or to Commissariati di PS (Police Stations) with local jurisdiction:

International Protection / Political Asylum (Application - Issue)

- Assistenza minori (riconosciuta dal Tribunale dei minori)

- Asilo (status di rifugiato riconosciuto) - casi speciali - ex motivi umanitari - protezione speciale - protezione sussidiaria  (rilasci, rinnovi e duplicati - per le conversioni a lavoro V. sotto)

- Residence card for non-EU national familiy members of EU citizens - As of 2nd August 2021 a new electronic residence card will be available

- Conversioni a lavoro di permessi di soggiorno precedentemente rilasciati per asilo, casi speciali, ex motivi umanitari, protezione sussidiaria

- Residence Permit for Medical Treatment (with entry visa)

- Cure mediche (gravidanza/parto, gravissime patologie)

- Documenti di viaggio

- Gara sportiva -  V.: Soggiorni di breve durata per turismo/affari/studio/missione/gara sportiva/ricerca scientifica

- Gite scolastiche con studenti stranieri

- Minori non accompagnati, in affidamento o sotto tutela e successiva conversione al compimento dei 18 anni

- Nulla osta per l'accoglienza temporanea di minori Bielorussi per vacanze terapeutiche (cd. bambini di Chernobyl) (IN COSTRUZIONE)

Temporary authorization for self-employment for non-EU citizens

- Richiedenti asilo e ricorrenti (ancora in attesa dell'esito della Commissione territoriale o del ricorso)

Short-term stays in Italy

Residence permit for working holiday  (only for foreign nationals from countries which have entered into a specific agreement with the Italian State)

Vidimazione elenchi degli studenti stranieri partecipanti a gite scolastiche nell’Unione Europea


Types of residence permits or residence cards to be applied for through post office help desks displaying the sign “Sportello Amico” by filling in the application kit (the application must be submitted at the post office in an unsealed envelope):

- political asylum or status of stateless person (renewals only)

- awaiting the granting or recognition of Italian citizenship

- conversion of a residence permit (where allowed)

- duplicates and updates of the residence permits listed herewith

- family

- self-employment / employment / pending employment

- mission

- religious reasons

- long-term EU residence permit

- chosen residence

- study purposes (exceeding 90 days) / scientific research / apprenticeship or professional training.

Free and qualified assistance for completing the application kit can be obtained from the Patronati (trade union-based institutions) which have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Interior. They will also provide a list of the required documents. The list of the Patronati and Post Offices offering this service can be searched by municipality at .

After submitting the application kit, the Post Office will give applicants a special receipt stating that they have applied for the issue or renewal of their residence permit and a printout with their subsequent appointment at the Questura (Police Headquarters). The applicant will find a password and a user-ID on the receipt to check the progress of their residence permit issue on the official national website of the Polizia di Stato (please enter all password numbers including the last one, except the dash).

FAILURE TO ATTEND PRE-BOOKED APPOINTMENTS MADE THROUGH THE POST OFFICE: anyone who has missed a pre-booked appointment at the Questura must book a new appointment only when the date given has already passed. See opening hours and address. For missed appointments at the Commissariato di PS di Montevarchi or Sansepolcro see.: opening hours and address.


Altre risorse:

How to check if your permit of stay is available for collection

Ufficio Immigrazione della Questura di Arezzo

Residence in Italy for tourism / business / short-term study

New applicable fees for the issue/renewal of residence permits starting from 9th June 2017

Hospitality for non-EU nationals – requirements for private citizens who, in any capacity, provide accommodation

Visa for Italy - Information for foreigners intending to come to Italy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Site)


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