Questura di Foggia

  • Via Antonio Gramsci n. 1 - 71122 Foggia ( Where we are)
  • Telephone numbers: 0881 668111
  • email:



Passaports list


From today onward Foggia citizens have a new service: consulting issued and / or renewed passports list is now possible. Citizens can consult this list using the receipt they have on which record number is.

This receipt is given to all users who send on passport requests by Questura Foggia Passport Office or by province Police - stations.

We remind You Passport office window opening time is: MON- TUE - WED - FRI 09.30a.m. - 01.00 p.m. / THUR 04.00p.m. - 06.00p.m. 0881/668258 - fax: 0881/668259

  • Passport requests have to be sent on by windows exclusively to allow photos acquisition and receipt issuing.
  • Only regular holder or intentionally deputed person can withdraw ready expatriation documents.
  • Incomplete requests won't be accepted. Photos have to be already certified otherwise person who requests passport has to be present at the window when sending on to legalize photos at the moment of delivery.
  • When certificates valid for expatriation of minors are requested, it is advisable to indicate Country of destination to verify document validity in that Country and to avoid troubles at frontier.
  • To go to U.S.A. minors need their own passport.
  • Passport request needs to make a payment into Post Office on current account no. 67422808 of 44.66 euro for 32 page passport or 45.62 euro for 48 page one. This payment has to be entered in Economy and Financial Ministry - Treasury Department - reason: cost of electronic passport.
  • From Sep 1st 2007 passport issuing duties have to be adhesive , printed by machine and with amount of 40.29 euro.


NEWS FOR MINORS: in addition to the document valid for expatriation, minors who go to Croatia without their parents or other person who has paternal authority, need:

- parents or other person who has paternal authority signed approval. In this document personal data, certified signatures of parents or person with paternal authority, reason and period of stay and minor companion personal data have to be related. This form is translated in english and croatian languages and is already available at Questura Foggia Passport Window.

- Minor companion has to be of age.

- In case of school excursion, sport or cultural events these instructions won't be observed. In fact minor will be inserted in a certified participant list translated in english and croatian language.

From Sep 1st onward a new service for citizens is possible: on passport request citizens can write their e- mail address to know by mail and saving time when their own passport is ready or if there are some problems which don't allow to issue it.

(modificato il 03/09/2008)




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17/07/2024 16:23:39