Questura di Arezzo

  • Via Filippo Lippi snc - 52100 AREZZO ( Dove siamo)
  • telefono: 05754001
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Reports, petitions and complaints


Reports, petitions and complaints can be filed at the Ufficio Denunce (Police Front Counter) of the Police Headquarters in Arezzo during opening times. In an emergency outside our normal opening times officers on duty will assist with reporting.

La denuncia (Report)

A report to the authorities is a formal statement submitted by any person who has knowledge of an offence liable to prosecution. The report must be submitted to the Public Prosecutor or a criminal police official.


La denuncia a domicilio (Making a report at a person’s place of residence)

The Police make the reporting service more accessible to people with impediments who are not able to go to the Police station to submit a report, and provide assistance to them in their home, provided that they are resident or domiciled in the municipal area of Arezzo. The service can be requested by calling the following contact numbers: 0575-400545, 0575-400602, or 113.


L'esposto (Petition)

A petition is a request for police intervention made by one or more parties involved in an altercation.


La querela (Complaint)

A complaint must be submitted in the form provided for in Article 336 and Article 340 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure and refers to offences that are not liable to prosecution, while for offences liable to prosecution a report must be submitted. In a statement of complaint the complainant (or his legal representative) requests that a person committing an act deemed an offence by law be prosecuted. A statement of complaint must be submitted within three months from the date the police have knowledge of an act deemed an offence by law.



The official text is the Italian version of the website. Any discrepancies or differences created in the English translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated website, please refer to the Italian version of the website. 


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