Questura di Arezzo

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New applicable fees for the issue/renewal of residence permits starting from 9th June 2017

Permesso di soggiorno

The provisions set out by the Decree of the Ministry of Economy and Finance in agreement with the Ministry of Interior, which were approved on 5th May 2017 and come into force on 9th June 2017, have established new applicable fees for the issue and renewal of residence permits, as laid down in Article 5(2-ter) of the Consolidated Immigration Act (Legislative Decree No. 286/1998 as subsequently amended).

For the issue and renewal of their residence permits, foreign adults will have to pay the following new fees:

  • € 40.00 for residence permits valid more than three months and less than or equal to one year;
  • € 50.00 for residence permits valid more than one year and less than or equal to two years;
  • € 100.00 for EU residence permit for long-term residents and for residence permits for managerial level and highly skilled workers (Article 27(1)(a), Article 27 paragraph 5 (1) (a, b) and Article 27 paragraph 6 (2) of the above-mentioned Consolidated Immigration Act).

The following residence permits are exempt from the applicable fees: minors under the age of 18, medical treatment with a specific entry visa; asylum seekers, recognition of international/subsidiary protection, applications for updates, duplicates or conversions of valid residence permits, long-term residence permits for family members of EU citizens issued under Legislative Decree No. 30/2007.

Fee payment receipts must be shown at the time when applicants are summoned for fingerprinting by the Police Headquarters.

The official text is the Italian version of the website. Any discrepancies or differences created in the English translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated website, please refer to the Italian version of the website.


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